2025 Call for Proposals
2025 Annual Meeting – Ohio Valley Philosophy of Education Society
September 18-20, 2025, Nashville, Indiana
The President and Program Committee of the Ohio Valley Philosophy of Education Society (OVPES) invite proposals that broadly interpret the theme—inheritance and originality— for its annual meeting to be held at the Seasons Lodge in Nashville, Indiana, Thursday through Saturday, September 18-20, 2025. Conference leadership welcomes proposals that make connections between philosophy and education, both related and unrelated to the conference theme. OVPES remains a site for experimental thinking with educational and philosophical ideas in a collegial and friendly environment.
Inheritance and originality name two fundamental aspects of educational aspirations. No matter what concrete aims we hope to pursue in educational endeavors, we always locate these aims, or the values animated by our aims, in a certain kind of social or political or religious tradition—one that we understand ourselves to belong to, and one that we wish to pass on. And no matter what concrete aims we hope to pursue in educational endeavors, we (almost) always articulate those in novel ways, according to the contextual demands that have emerged in the present and that we foresee emerging in the future.
As Stanley Cavell sometimes said, “knowing how to go on” can be both knowing how to go on doing things with others in a certain way and also going on from doing things with others in a certain way, and is often both at once. In short, inheriting ways of doing, speaking, knowing, attending, and socializing, and carrying them onward—selectively, always selectively—into new contexts ourselves, in our own voices and with our own commitments, originally, to some irreducible extent.
Taking inheritance and originality as a conference theme asks us to reflect on how, exactly, these impulses or aspects of educational endeavors fit together and how, exactly, they can come apart. We might reflect, for example, on any number of hot-button educational issues that have been stampeding across the headlines in recent years—issues that have captured the popular imagination.
Please refer to the full CFP below for submission guidelines.
2025 Annual Meeting – Ohio Valley Philosophy of Education Society
September 18-20, 2025, Nashville, Indiana
The President and Program Committee of the Ohio Valley Philosophy of Education Society (OVPES) invite proposals that broadly interpret the theme—inheritance and originality— for its annual meeting to be held at the Seasons Lodge in Nashville, Indiana, Thursday through Saturday, September 18-20, 2025. Conference leadership welcomes proposals that make connections between philosophy and education, both related and unrelated to the conference theme. OVPES remains a site for experimental thinking with educational and philosophical ideas in a collegial and friendly environment.
Inheritance and originality name two fundamental aspects of educational aspirations. No matter what concrete aims we hope to pursue in educational endeavors, we always locate these aims, or the values animated by our aims, in a certain kind of social or political or religious tradition—one that we understand ourselves to belong to, and one that we wish to pass on. And no matter what concrete aims we hope to pursue in educational endeavors, we (almost) always articulate those in novel ways, according to the contextual demands that have emerged in the present and that we foresee emerging in the future.
As Stanley Cavell sometimes said, “knowing how to go on” can be both knowing how to go on doing things with others in a certain way and also going on from doing things with others in a certain way, and is often both at once. In short, inheriting ways of doing, speaking, knowing, attending, and socializing, and carrying them onward—selectively, always selectively—into new contexts ourselves, in our own voices and with our own commitments, originally, to some irreducible extent.
Taking inheritance and originality as a conference theme asks us to reflect on how, exactly, these impulses or aspects of educational endeavors fit together and how, exactly, they can come apart. We might reflect, for example, on any number of hot-button educational issues that have been stampeding across the headlines in recent years—issues that have captured the popular imagination.
Please refer to the full CFP below for submission guidelines.